RB: 19/2020
Date: 10 June 2020
List of the shareholders holding at least 5% of the number of votes at the Ordinary General Meeting of the Company held on June 10, 2020
Legal basis: Article 70 Item 3 of the Act on Public Offering


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RB: 18/2020    
Date: 10 June 2002
Resolutions adopted by the Ordinary General Meeting of Benefit Systems S.A. on June 10, 2020
Legal basis: Article 56 Sec. 1 Item 2 of the Act on Public Offering – Current and Periodic Information


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The Annual General Meeting of Benefit Systems S.A. held on 10 June, 2020 at 11:00 a.m.

List of the shareholders holding at least 5% of the number of votes at the Ordinary General Meeting of the Company held on June 10, 2020


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RB 17/2020
Date: 29 May 2020
Correction of the published Consolidated Quarterly Report of Benefit Systems Capital Group for 1Q 2020. 
Legal basis: Legal basis: Article 56 Sec. 1 Item 2 of the Act on Public Offering – Current and...

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RB: 16/2020    
Date: 27 May 2020
Conclusion of annexes to a credit agreement and conclusion of a guarantee agreement with Santander Bank Polska S.A.
Legal basis: Art. 17 item 1 of MAR – inside information

Text of the report: 


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In the first quarter of 2020, the Benefit Systems Group recorded sales revenues of PLN 386.1 million, an increase of 9% compared to the same period last year. The improvement of the results in this period was connected with the...

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RB: 15/2020
Date: 15 May 2020

Announcement on convening the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Benefit Systems S.A. on 10 June 2020, at 11:00 a.m and draft resolutions.

Legal basis: Article 56 Sec. 1 Item 2 of the Act on...

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RB: 14/2020
Dnia: 15 May 2020
Notification of exceeding the 5% threshold of total voting rights at the Company
Legal basis: Article 70 Sec. 1 of the Public Offering Act 

Text of the report:                                     


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RB: 13/2020
Date: 17 April 2020
Proposed distribution of the Company's net profit for year 2019
Legal basis: Art. 17 item 1 of MAR – inside information.

Text of the report:

The Management Board of Benefit Systems S.A. with its...

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