RB 47/2018
Date: 2018-05-31
Subject: Notification of ownership
Legal basis: Article 70(1) of the Offering Act

The Management Board of Benefit Systems S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw ("Company", "Benefit Systems")...

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RB 46/2018
Date: 2018-05-31
Subject: Notification of ownership
Legal basis: Article 70(1) of the Offering Act



The Management Board of Benefit Systems S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw ("Company", "Benefit Systems")...

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RB 45/2018
Date: 2018-05-31
Subject: Notification of ownership
Legal basis: Article 70(1) of the Offering Act 



The Management Board of Benefit Systems S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw ("Company", "Benefit Systems")...

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RB 44/2018
Date: 2018-05-30
Subject: Loan agreements as part of the Benefit Systems capital group
Legal basis: Article 17(1) of the MAR – confidential information

The Management Board of Benefit Systems S.A. with its registered...

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RB 43/2018
Date: 28 May 2018
Subject: Registration of a share capital increase and amendments to the Articles of Association of the Company
Legal basis: Art. 56 item 1 point 2 of the Public Offering Act

Not for release, publication...

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RB 42/2018    
Date: 2018-05-23
Subject: Notification of exceeding the 5% threshold of total voting rights at the Company
Legal basis: Art. 70.1 of the Public Offering Act

Text of the Report:
The Management Board of Benefit...

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62% of Poles are physically active and 48% do sports at least once a week – revels the first edition of the MultiSport Index report on society's physical and sports activity. The most popular type of activity is running and the...

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RB: 41/2018    
Date: 2018-05-22
Subject: Information regarding the introduction to trading of the rights to Series F shares of the Company

Information regarding the introduction to trading of the rights to Series F shares of the...

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RB 40/2018

Date: 2018-05-22

Subject: Registration of the rights to Series F shares of the Company in the depository for securities


Not for release, publication or distribution directly or indirectly, in or into the United...

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RB 39/2018
Date: 2018-05-17
Subcject: Completion of private placement of the Company’s Series F ordinary bearer shares
Legal basis: Article 17, paragraph 1 of MAR - confidential information

Completion of private placement of the...

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