RB 61/2018: Notification of transactions on Company shares received under to Art. 19 of MAR

RB 61/2018

Date: 28 June 2018

Subject: Notification of transactions on Company shares received under to Art. 19 of MAR

Legal basis:Art. 19 item 3 of MAR - information on transactions conducted by persons discharging managerial responsibilities


The Management Board Benefit Systems S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (the "Company") informs about receiving a notification, pursuant to art. 19 of MAR, from Benefit Invest Ltd - as a person closely associated with persons discharging managerial responsibilities in the Company, namely with Mr. James Van Bergh - Member of the Supervisory Board of the Company and Mr. Michael Sanderson - Member of the Supervisory Board of the Company, on granting a donation of 250.000 shares of the Company on 26 June 2018. The transaction was executed outside the trading system.


DateFirst name and surnamePosition/function
28 June 2018Izabela Walczewska-SchneyderMember of the Management Board
28 June 2018Grzegorz HaftarczykMember of the Management Board