RB 49/2023: Quarterly information on active sport cards' number

RB: 49/2023
Date: 2 October 2023
Quarterly information on active sport cards' number
Legal basis: Art. 17 item 1 of MAR – inside information

Text of the report:

In reference to the current report no. 24/2016 of 20 July 2016, the Management Board of Benefit Systems S.A. with its registered seat in Warsaw informs that as of the end of 3 quarter 2023 the number of active sport cards reached 1,811.4 thousand (of which 1,341.7 thousand in Poland and 469.8 thousand in foreign markets).

DateFull NamePosition/Function
2023-10-02Marcin FojudzkiManagement Board Member
2023-10-02Emilia RogalewiczManagement Board Member