RB 33/2024: Proposal of the distribution of net income for the year ended on 31 December 2023

RB: 33/2023
Date: 27 May 2024
Proposal of the distribution of net income for the year ended on 31 December 2023
Legal basis: Art. 17 item 1 of MAR – inside information

Text of the report:

The Management Board of Benefit Systems S.A. with its registered seat in Warsaw (hereinafter, the "Company") hereby announces that on May 27, 2024 the resolution to submit to the Ordinary General Meeting a proposal to allocate the net income of the Company for 2023 in the full amount of PLN 348,612,411.66 to payment of a dividend to the Company’s shareholders.
In addition, the Management Board of the Company proposes to use reserve capital of the Company by allocating the amount of PLN 50,757,008.34, which constitute some of the amounts allocated to this capital form the Company’s profit from previous year, to be distributed among the shareholders in the form of dividend.
In total the Management Board of the Company proposes the amount of PLN 399,369,420.00 to be allocated to payment of a dividend to the Company’s shareholders (in the amount of PLN 135 per share of the Company);
In the resolution, the Management Board proposed the dividend day to be set for 16 September 2024, as well as to distribute the dividend in two tranches: (i) first tranche paid on 27 September 2024 in the amount of PLN 67.5 per share; (ii) second tranche paid on 25 November 2024 in the amount of PLN 67.5 per share.
In its recommendation, the Management Board of the Company was guided by an inclination to balance the need to share profits with shareholders and to maintain a high degree of flexibility to make investment decisions in order to expand competitive advantages.
At the same time, the Company informs that the above resolution was positively assessed by the Supervisory Board of the Company during a meeting on 27 May 2024.
The final decision regarding the distribution of profit for the year ended on 31 December 2023, including the possible payment of the dividend and its amount, will be made by the Ordinary General Meeting.

DateFull NamePosition/Function
2024-05-27Emilia RogalewiczManagement Board Member
2024-05-27Marcin FojudzkiManagement Board Member