RB 32/2018: Proposal concerning the appropriation of the Company’s net profit for 2017

RB 32/2018

Date: 10.05.2018

Topic: Proposal concerning the appropriation of the Company’s net profit for 2017

Legal basis: Art. 17(1) of MAR - Confidential information


The Management Board of the Company Benefit Systems S.A. with its registered office in Warszawa (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) hereby informs that on 10 May 2008, in relation to the Policy on the appropriation of profits to shareholders of the Company for the years 2016-2019 (published by Current Report No. 3/2016 of 10 February 2016), it adopted a resolution to:

  • submit to the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders a proposal concerning the allocation of the total net profit of PLN 100,159 thousand (in words: one hundred million one hundred and fifty-nine thousand zloty), as shown in the financial statements of the Company for 2017, to the statutory capital reserve of the Company,
  • recommend the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to allocate the amount of PLN 51,000 thousand (in words: fifty-one million zloty) for acquiring the treasury shares of the Company.

The Management Board also informs that on 10 May 2018 the Supervisory Board of the Company issued a favourable opinion on the aforementioned motion of the Management Board concerning the appropriation of the Company’s net profit for 2017.

The final decision on the appropriation of the Company’s net profit for 2017 will be taken by the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.


DateFull NameFunction/Position
2018-05-10Izabela Walczewska-SchneyderCzłonek Zarządu
2018-05-10Adam RadzkiCzłonek Zarządu