RB 25/2018: Conclusion with Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. of an annex to the agreement for a limit for the bank guarantees

RB 25/2018
Date: 6 April 2018
Subject: Conclusion with Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. of an annex to the agreement for a limit for the bank guarantees
Legal basis: Art. 17 item 1 of MAR – inside information

The Management Board of Benefit Systems S.A. with its registered seat in Warsaw (hereinafter, the ‘Company’), informs that the Company has received an annex dated 6 April 2018 signed by Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. with its registered seat in Wrocław (hereinafter, the ‘Bank’), to the agreement for a limit for the bank guarantees dated 2 April 2012.

The subject-matter of the annex consists in particular of a change of the amount of the Bank’s commitment to provide guarantee on the basis of the principal’s order/instruction up to the amount of PLN 54 000 000 during the loan availability period until 30 April 2019, for the following guarantee types: guarantees for payment of all kinds of liabilities arising from tenancy agreements and good performance guarantees for tenancy agreements.

In connection with the aforesaid annexes, the Company is obliged to make a statement on submission to court execution procedure pursuant to Article 777 § 1 Item 5) of the Polish Code of Civil Procedure up to PLN 142 500 000 (which also includes the claims arising from the agreement of 18 July 2012 for multi-purpose and multi-currency credit facility line, as amended), whereby the Bank will be able to apply for attaching a writ of execution to the notarial deed (i.e. the enforcement title) until 30 April 2026.

In the remaining scope, the annex contains provisions commonly used in this type of agreements.
There are no connections between the Company and the Bank. There are also no connections between the persons managing or supervising the Company and the persons managing or supervising the Bank.


DateFirst name and surnamePosition/function
6 April 2018Izabela Walczewska-SchneyderMember of the Management Board
6 April 2018Adam RadzkiMember of the Management Board