RB 12/2018: Loan agreement within the Benefit Systems Capital Group

RB 12/2018             
Date: 23 February 2018
Subject: Loan agreement within the Benefit Systems Capital Group
Legal basis: Art. 17 item 1 MAR – inside information

The Management Board of Benefit Systems S.A., with its registered seat in Warsaw (hereinafter, the ‘Issuer’), informs that on 23 February 2018, a loan agreement in the amount of PLN 33 600 000 was concluded (hereinafter ‘Loan Agreement’) between the Issuer (hereinafter ‘Lender’) and Fit Invest sp. z o.o., an entity 100% controlled by the Issuer, with its registered seat in Warsaw (hereinafter ‘Borrower’). As a result of the Loan Agreement, the total value of loan agreements concluded between the Lender and the Borrower in the last 12 months reached PLN 111 328 800.

The loan will be paid in tranches, according to the Borrowers needs. The interest rate on the loan is floating and has been determined on market conditions. The loan amount is to be repaid by 31 December 2028. The Loan Agreement does not contain any conditions precedent, conditions subsequent and contractual penalties. Other terms of the Loan Agreement do not differ from those commonly used in this type of agreements.

The loan is to enable the Borrower to pay for the shares of Zdrofit sp. z o.o. with its registered seat in Warsaw (hereinafter ‘Zdrofit’), in line with the agreements for the sale of shares of Zdrofit signed on 30 January 2018, as amended by the annexes of 19 February 2018, and as reported by the Issuer in current reports No. 6/2018 of 30 January 2018 and No. 11/2018 of 19 February 2018.


DateFirst name and surnamePosition/function
23 February 2018Adam RadzkiMember of the Management Board
23 February 2018Grzegorz HaftarczykMember of the Management Board