More than 613,000 sports cards and upheld revenues growth rate – Benefit Systems presents its results for 2015

613,000 sports cards, an increase by 86,000, a change of 16.2% y/y

The net profit for 2015 amounted to PLN 48.7 million, an increase of 26.2% y/y

In 2015, we reached the set business goals and achieved very good results. We are particularly satisfied when it comes to the steady development of sports cards, the number of which increased to more than 613,000. The continuing sales growth is a clear sign that we offer a product that is attractive and tailored to the needs of users interested in an active lifestyle, says Izabela Walczewska-Schneyder, a member of the Management Board of Benefit Systems.

In 2015, Benefit Systems Group carried out activities related to the development of the sports cards offer on the Slovakian and Bulgarian markets, where new customers are currently being acquired. On the other hand, in the Czech Republic, where the Group has been operating for more than five years now, there were more than 24,000 active sports cards at the end of 2015, which means an increase of 50% year to year.

Last year, our partners from the fitness industry, i.e. Calypso Fitness, Fabryka Formy, Fitness Academy, and Zdrofit, opened 19 new clubs, increasing their total number to 66 facilities with an area of more than 78,000 m2. In 2015, the fitness segment generated PLN 43.7 million in sales revenue. The investments in the networks of fitness clubs are aimed to further develop the already attractive offer of sports and recreation facilities for the users of sports cards, adds Izabela Walczewska-Schneyder.

In 2015, the cafeteria segment doubled the revenues to a level of PLN 34.3 million. MyBenefit and MultiKafeteria cafeteria platforms recorded a turnover of PLN 148.5 million (PLN 80 million in 2014) in this period. Last year both platforms were used by nearly 180,000 users. The Group intends to continue the development of the platforms and offer in the strategic categories of sport, culture, entertainment, and tourism.

In total, in 2015, the sales of the Benefit Group increased by 28.5% year to year and amounted to PLN 581.5 million. In addition to the increase in the number of sports cards, the value of the consolidated sales revenues has also been affected by covering fitness companies (Fitness Academy, Fabryka Formy), MyBenefit, and foreign companies with the fully consolidated method. In 2015, EBITDA of the Group reached PLN 70.4 million and increased by 27.6% compared to 2014. Net profit amounted to PLN 48.7 million, 26.2% more than in 2014.