Press Releases

On 23rd of February we celebrate the International Depression Day. According to the World Health organisation it is one of the most serious health problems in the world. Currently 350 million people around the world suffer from...

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Eksperci szacują, że co czwarte dziecko w Polsce spełnia zalecenia WHO dotyczące aktywności fizycznej, ćwicząc co najmniej godzinę dziennie. Te statystyki można odwrócić. Udowadnia to program edukacyjny Aktywne Szkoły MultiSport....

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The lowest unemployment rate in history and demand on the job market resulted in a billionth growth in investments in non-financial benefit packages in 2018. According to the prognosis, the benefit market will be still on the...

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Age has a significant and, unfortunately, negative impact on the physical activity level – in the last six months as many as 47% of Poles above 60 years of age have not undertaken any physical activity. However, family activity...

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87% of millennials admit that renowned brands should focus more on being better for the world and more and more employers build employees’ engagement by involving them in social programmes. According to the Public Opinion Research...

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