According to the MultiSport Index Pandemic survey, 32% of active Poles use videos with physical training instructions. Therefore, Benefit Systems provides its sports partners with the platform under the #WspierajKluby...
The Benefit Systems Capital Group continues its activities that aim at process and cost optimisation. It also adjusts the MultiSport Programme offer to the current regulations and the epidemic situation. At the end of the third...
The epidemic situation, changes in everyday functioning, a sense of health threat and uncertainty make us struggle with an increased level of stress for many months now. What impact can this situation have on mental health and how...
The reclosure of fitness clubs, gyms and swimming pools can affect health, resilience, and wellbeing of the society. According to the MultiSport Index Pandemic study, during the spring lockdown 43% of Poles limited their physical...
Limity wejść, dystans i zwiększona dezynfekcja – to tylko część realiów klubów fitness i siłowni w trakcie pandemii. Jak podkreślają eksperci, obowiązujące w Polsce wytyczne sanitarne zapewniają bezpieczeństwo ćwiczącym....