Despite the nationwide quarantine and closed sports and recreation facilities, Poles do not give up physical activity and exercise at home. Therefore, online workouts are gaining popularity. MultiSport data shows that we most...
In this unique situation, resulting from the spread of coronavirus in our country, we care about your health and safety in the first place. For the last few days, we have been working hard, searching...
23 lutego obchodzimy Ogólnopolski Dzień Walki z Depresją. Badania naukowe potwierdzają, że już około 20 minut szybkiego marszu dziennie może zredukować ryzyko wystąpienia tej choroby o 22 proc. Tymczasem co piąty mieszkaniec...
According to the Valentine's edition of the MultiSport Index survey, 91% of Poles believe that physical activity has a positive impact on feeling attractive and nearly half of them think sport increases their chances of meeting a...