By 2050, the number of people aged 65+ in Poland will increase to nearly 12 million. Although life expectancy is on the rise, its quality is not improving, and one of the reasons is the lack of physical activity among seniors. Inactivity decreases their physical condition and increases the likelihood of developing serious cardiovascular diseases, which are the most common cause of death in Poland.
A healthy spirit in a healthy body
Regular physical activity reduces the risk of lifestyle diseases, improves motor coordination, as well as improves brain function, including slowing down dementia, improving sleep quality and overall well-being. According to the World Health Organization, seniors should undertake physical activity consisting of three elements: endurance exercises (2-3 times a week for at least 20 minutes), strength exercises (twice a week for 20 minutes), and stretching exercises (every day 5 -10 minutes). Meanwhile, many seniors are not meeting the minimum dose of physical activity recommended by experts for seniors, and the current trend in Poland for leading a healthy and active lifestyle seems to effectively bypass this social group.
According to the 2018 MultiSport Index report, the most important factor determining physical activity is age - the older the person, the more likely they are to become less active. For this reason, among inactive Poles (38%), the largest group are pensioners (59%) and people aged 60+ (56%). Why is this happening?
Seniors who stay at home are often reluctant to exercise for fear it may make their health worse. Meanwhile it’s exercise that could be their ticket to a longer and healthier life, as long as there are no significant contraindications, says Joanna Kotek, sport psychologist. The generational gap may be responsible for the low activity rate of older people. Today’s seniors grew up in completely different conditions, and so have developed different habits when it comes to exercise. They are often active without actually exercising. In their minds doing things around the house provides sufficient amount of exercise.
Another reason for the low level of physical activity among seniors may be fear of starting an exercise program. Older people are often unsure which types of exercise they should do and which they should avoid. Added to this are stereotypes related to the physical activity of older people and the lack of awareness that even moderate exercise can help prevent or treat many age-related conditions, such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, osteoporosis or obesity.
Exercise is considered to be the main factor in preventing lifestyle diseases. Few seniors realise that regular, optimal exercise can improve the functioning of the nervous system, preventing its degeneration, which is linked to physical coordination, so vital in daily life, adds Dr Nowacka-Dobosz. The functioning of brain motor centres, the speed of nerve impulse conduction, neuromuscular coordination, increased sensitivity of visual, auditory and kinaesthetic analysers, and improved regulatory processes in vegetative organs before, during and after exercise - these are all processes sensitive to motor stimulation. The secretion of endorphins and serotonin after exercise may prevent some neuromuscular disorders. In addition, establishing social relations is beneficial for the psychophysical health of seniors, and this can be facilitated by group exercise programs.
Exercise for hypertension
In Poland, 29% of the population suffers from hypertension. This percentage is even higher among seniors over 65 years of age - in women it is 58%, and in men - 56% (NATPOL-PLUS). Experts warn that according to studies, over 14 million Poles will suffer from hypertension by 2035. Next to pharmacological treatment, exercise is one of the basic methods of lowering blood pressure.
Studies show that regular exercise can help seniors lower systolic blood pressure by up to 7-16 mm Hg, and diastolic by 6-8 mm Hg. In the follow-up of patients, experts noticed that in 60-69 year olds, lower levels of systolic blood pressure persisted for many hours after exercise. Exercise causes sweating and rapid breathing, which also help remove salt and water from the body. This reduces the amount of blood, which in turn lowers blood pressure. Exercise also helps reduce stress that contributes to hypertension. Moderate intensity endurance exercises are useful in combating hypertension, but before starting an exercise program it is recommended to consult a doctor.
Active society of the future
According to UN forecasts, by 2050 the global population of people over 60 is expected to double, increasing fourfold in developing countries alone, which means that in the next 32 years seniors will constitute 21 percent of the entire world population - nearly 2 billion people. In addition, according to experts, in 2030 as many as two-thirds of deaths in the world will be caused by lifestyle diseases. It is therefore of key importance to ensure that the ever-growing social group of seniors becomes more physically active, thus improving their health. Exercise also has a significant impact on reducing incidences of 21st century diseases, such as overweight and obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension and even mental illness.
Proper amount of exercise is beneficial for seniors in many ways, affecting all areas of the body, says Dr Sylwia Nowacka-Dobosz of the Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw. First of all, exercise can slow down the degenerative processes in the body’s motor system. It inhibits the reduction of muscle mass and bone tissue. It prevents the decrease of aerobic capacity, increases cell oxygenation by improving blood and nutrient supply, as well as helps rid the body of toxins and supports metabolism. It also helps maintain the circulatory and respiratory functions of the body. Studies show an increase in strength capabilities (endurance) even as much as over 100 percent in people over 70.
Benefit for ... seniors
People who are already active can avoid many diseases in the future. According to the 2018 MultiSport Index survey, nearly 7.5 million Poles (out of the 62 percent who exercise at least once a month) treat regular exercise as a way to stay healthy and a form of relaxation. Also, according to seniors, good health (ability to function independently in everyday life) is one of the main determinants of their quality of life.
An active lifestyle is recommended for every age group, but for seniors it is one of the most important factors ensuring their psychophysical health. On the other hand, changing exercise habits becomes increasingly difficult with age, which is why initiatives are needed to encourage seniors to exercise and provide information on how to exercise safely. The popular sports card market has begun to include offers dedicated to seniors. Their goal is to encourage older people to take up various forms of exercise tailored to their needs. One example of that is the MultiSport Senior program, created by Benefit Systems.
Nearly one million people in Poland are already benefiting from regular exercise under the MultiSport program. According to our research, sports cards motivate up to 78 percent of our Users to exercise more often. We hope that in time we will be able to say the same about the MultiSport Senior Card Users. Exercise is important at every stage of our lives, which is why we want to offer seniors the right types of activities and, above all, provide them with free access to sports and recreational facilities throughout the country, explains Adam Radzki, Board Member at Benefit Systems. Starting from October, MultiSport card users can order cards for their relatives, which will enable them to motivate each other to exercise. This is the best gift for loved ones, because sports card can help them stay healthy.
According to the information provided on the website, MultiSport Senior cards can be ordered by any MultiSport "Employee" cardholder. The senior program offers several types of activities and access to more than a thousand sports facilities.
Media contact:
Sandra Dobrowolska, PR Specialist
797 294 243 |
Benefit Systems S.A. has been operating on the Polish market since 2001, and since 2011 has been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Benefit Systems is also the only Polish public company with the B Corp certificate of social responsibility in Central and Eastern Europe. The MultiSport card - the company’s key product was launched in 2004 and within several years has become one of the most popular benefits in Poland. The sports cards provide access to nearly 4,000 sports and recreational facilities in over 650 cities throughout the country. In an effort to develop its offer and improve the quality of services on the fitness market, the company carries out a number of activities to support customers, partners and card users. The MultiSport program has also been successfully implemented in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Bulgaria, where the number of sports card users is systematically growing. Currently, there are over one million MultiSport card users in Poland and abroad. More information about the company can be found on the website