Nearly 700,000 sports cards in Poland and upholding the revenues growth rate – Benefit Systems publishes its results for the first half of 2016

At the end of the first half of 2016, Benefit Systems Group had more than 736,000 active sports cards, which means a 21 per cent change year to year. On the Polish market in this period the cards have been used by 697,000 users, while the remaining 40,000 are cards active on foreign markets, mainly in the Czech Republic. Since 2015, Benefit Systems Group has also been operating in Slovakia and Bulgaria, where it successfully develops its sports cards offer.

In June, within the framework of the strategy to support the development of the fitness industry that has already been implemented for a couple years, Benefit Systems entered into three (3) agreements on the acquisition of shares in Zdrofit, Fitness Club S4, and Tiger Gym networks. The capital investment made by the company in the networks of fitness clubs are aimed to increase the level of quality of the rendered services and support the already attractive offer of sports and recreation facilities for the ever-growing group of users of sports cards.

In the cafeteria segment, the number of MyBenefit and MultiKafeteria platform users in the first half of the year increased to 221,000, which means a change of nearly 60,000 compared to the corresponding period in 2015. Turnover on the cafeteria platforms amounted in the first half of 2016 to nearly PLN 80 million (an increase by 24 per cent).

In total, in the first half of this year, the sales revenues of the Benefit Group increased by 29.2 per cent year on year, reaching a value of PLN 356.4 million. In the period in question, the EBITDA of the Group amounted to PLN 44.8 million, with a net profit of PLN 27 million.    

The consolidated report of the Benefit Systems Group for the first half of 2016 ended 30 June 2016 is available at



Summary of the financial results of the Benefit Systems Group




(in PLN million)


(in PLN million)


Sales revenues





Gross profit on sales





Gross profitability on sales




+0.7 p.p.






Net profit*





  * attributable to shareholders of the parent company