Benefit Systems was granted another distinction in the Forbes' ranking

Benefit Systems placed 15th in the prestigious Forbes Diamonds 2017 ranking for the best companies from the Mazovia Province. In the nationwide ranking for companies with revenues of over PLN 250 million, our Company was ranked 48th.

The Forbes Diamonds 2017 is another edition of the ranking of the fastest-growing companies prepared by the Forbes monthly. The key criteria in the ranking include, amongst others, the financial results for the years 2013-2015, the value of the assets, the payment history and a lack of negative legal incidents. On the other hand, the valuation was prepared on the basis of data taking into consideration, amongst others, the level of sales, net profit, the value of tangible assets, receivables and investment expenditures.

Benefit Systems has been operating on the Polish market since 2001 and has been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange since 2011. The company has created the MultiSport sports and recreational programme, which promotes an active and healthy lifestyle amongst its Users. The sports cards provide access to nearly 4,000 sports and recreational facilities in more than 650 towns and cities throughout Poland. The company’s sports offer is also being successfully developed in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Bulgaria, where the number of sports cards users is steadily increasing.