
Benefit Systems offers services that enable people of all ages in Poland and abroad achieve a sense of satisfaction, contentment, and high quality of life. The MultiSport sports and recreation programme, which we created nearly 20 years ago, helps working people and their relatives to maintain regular activity, and thus supports their physical and mental health as a condition of emotional wellbeing. Our sports cards provide access to more than 45 types of activities in nearly 5 200 sports and recreational facilities located in over 740 Polish cities. Thanks to the company’s numerous initiatives, which take into account individual needs and preferences, we are building an easily accessible and comprehensive system of benefits for the society and the business world. We increase public awareness of the impact of regular physical activity on health and wellbeing. Our research confirms this: thanks to the MultiSport card 73% of its users exercise more often. What is equally important, the vast majority, i.e., 91%, declare that the availability of the MultiSport Programme is an important element of the employment offer.


Benefit for health

The MultiSport Programme supports a healthy and active lifestyle both through sports and recreational facilities as well in the virtual User Zone. For those who appreciate comfort and comprehensive development we have prepared the MultiLife package which provides access to over a dozen carefully selected online services and courses. As part of the offer, one can use, among others, the Yes2Move training platform, a diet creator, or consultations with physical and mental health experts. In response to the diversity of our users’ needs, we are constantly expanding the scope of our services. In the MyBenefit cafeteria we offer access to a thousand ready-made tourist, cultural, sports and recreational services, among which everyone will find something for themselves. More information about Benefit Systems products can be found HERE.


Benefit for others

Wellbeing in life cannot be achieved in isolation from the local communities which each of us is rooted in and which we feel part of. That is why we established the MultiSport Foundation, which supports people in need and works for public benefit through numerous charitable initiatives. We are also proud of our employees’ involvement in many voluntary activities, such as Dobry MultiUczynek, Krew Hero or the Akcja Gwiazdor Christmas campaign. What’s more, we constantly develop our knowledge and sensitivity focused on issues related to environmental protection, healthy lifestyle, regular nutrition, and the need for the work-life balance.


Benefit for employees

Employees full of energy and inspiration are one of the greatest sources of Benefit Systems success. Being the company that supports its clients in building satisfied and motivated teams, we know how crucial it is to ensure a friendly atmosphere in the company and to support employees’ daily wellbeing. In line with its DNA, Benefit Systems finances its flagship product – the MultiSport card – for its employees, offering them many additional benefits to choose from. The available benefits also include the BenefitLunch card and access to the MyBenefit cafeteria. Moreover, employees can participate in development webinars. Corporate events as well as regular sports activities in the office and outdoor training are also highly appreciated.


Benefit for business

We are the first public company in Central and Eastern Europe whose contribution to solving important social problems has been confirmed and documented with a select international B Corp certificate awarded by the non-governmental organisation, B Lab. We obtained it in 2018 as the only Polish company at that time. The global B Corporation movement brings together enterprises guided by the highest standards of sustainable development that base their business activities on a partnership and ethical model of cooperation with all their stakeholders. Currently, there are several thousand companies from over a hundred industries that have been awarded this certificate across the globe. Tactile activities for the benefit of the society and the natural environment are not only an element of the Benefit Systems Group’s mission but also one of the company’s statutory purposes.


Benefit for partners

In relations with our Partners we always strive for a win-win situation where each party implements solutions that are satisfactory for everyone. For us, this is the definition of good and responsible business. In practice, this means supporting the sustainable development of the sports and recreational services market, the growth of which benefits all parties concerned. Benefit Systems contributes to the expansion of sports and recreational infrastructure in Poland, helps to create attractive jobs and is the driving force behind events related to sports and recreation as well as the formation of a healthy lifestyle community.


Benefit abroad

Benefit Systems is also developing abroad – Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Croatia, and Turkey – with increasing success. Regardless of the market which we operate in, our goal is universal: more health, energy, and life satisfaction.

We believe that such a relationship with the environment has a positive effect on the quality of life and wellbeing of the individual and the whole society. Our focus on ecology and ethical behaviour also translates into the ever-growing trust in our brand.


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Management Board

Emilia Rogalewicz

Board Member

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Marcin Fojudzki

Board Member

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