According to the study conducted by American scientists on a group of nearly 50,000 COVID-19 patients, compared to people practising sports at least 150 minutes a week, the risk of severe COVID-19 and related hospitalisation among...
According to the latest Edelman Trust Barometer 2021 report, during the pandemic the society trusts employers and the private sector more than governments or NGOs. Over 60% of people in the world expect business to take actions...
According to the Ipsos COVID 365+ survey, 72% of Poles admit that today health is of greatest value for them, and more than a half (51%) say that it has gained in importance over the last year. Although the inhabitants of Poland...
According to a survey conducted for Benefit Systems on the Ariadna panel at the end of March, as many as 86% of Poles experience back pain, more than half of them struggle with this problem at least once a week and 13% indicate...
In 2020 the Benefit Systems Group implemented several measures to reduce the negative impact of the pandemic on key areas of its activity. Already during the first lockdown, processes securing the Group’s long-term financial...